Coming soon to a Whistler near you! May 20 to the 23rd!
Registration at: https://www.squashbc.com/secure/registration/index.cfm?DSP=Tournament&ACT=Membership&TOURNEYID=597
Entry Deadline is Friday may 13th at 8:00pm.
Adults: $70, Juniors: $60
Non-refundable after deadline.
Entries extremely limited due to only 2 courts. Categories will fill up on first come first serve basis.
Play starts as early as 5:00pm Friday.
All finals will be held on the holiday Monday.Entry includes: Tourney T-shirt- FREE BEER at courts- Pizza Fri & Sat night- Dinner Sunday- lunch Sat & Sun- muffins & coffee in am. FREE BEER at courts. All this thanks to http://www.ClearlyContacts.ca/
All finals will be held on the holiday Monday.Entry includes: Tourney T-shirt- FREE BEER at courts- Pizza Fri & Sat night- Dinner Sunday- lunch Sat & Sun- muffins & coffee in am. FREE BEER at courts. All this thanks to http://www.ClearlyContacts.ca/
Tourney Hotel: Whistler Pinnacle $99 for double occupancy, $119 for triple, $149 for quad. Call 1-888-999-8986 and quote: Whistler Squash Tournament. http://www.whistlerpinnacle.com/.
Check out this schedule:
Apres Squash Friday: Village Pub (Old Savage Beagle).
Apres Squash Sat: Moe Joes.
Dinner Sunday: Buffalo Bills